Website Disclaimer
Use of this Internet site ("Site") is governed by the following terms, conditions and disclaimers (collectively, the "Terms"). Your usage of this Site means you, the "Site Visitor," agree to the Terms. The Terms shall insure to the benefit of the Charter Township of Ypsilanti.
This Site may include facts, views, opinions or recommendations of individuals or organizations not affiliated with the Charter Township of Ypsilanti. The Charter Township of Ypsilanti does not endorse, guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of these facts, views, opinions or recommendations. The Charter Township of Ypsilanti may point or link to other Internet sites located on servers maintained by third parties, which may be of interest to the Site Visitor, but for which the Charter Township of Ypsilanti has no responsibility. The Charter Township of Ypsilanti provides such pointer and linking functions solely as a service to the Site Visitor and makes no representations or warranty of any kind as to the accuracy or any other aspect of the information contained on such Internet servers or sites. Links placed on the Charter Township of Ypsilanti web site may not point to any site that promotes the sale of a product or service, contain any political views, or possibly be deemed offensive to anyone. Charter Township of Ypsilanti reserves the right to reject a request for a link to be placed on this web site for any reason.
The Site Visitor uses this Site, and the information provided on this Site "as is," without warranty of any kind. The Charter Township of Ypsilanti makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information provided on this Site. The Charter Township of Ypsilanti disclaims all express and implied warranties of any nature related to this Site, including without limitation, any and all implied warranties of fitness for any particular purpose intended by any Site Visitor and any and all implied warranties of merchantability. The Charter Township of Ypsilanti does not warrant the results obtained from the use, if any, of information contained within this Site.
The Charter Township of Ypsilanti shall not be liable, regardless of the cause or duration, for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or other defects, or untimeliness, of information contained within this Site, or for any delay or interruption in the transmission thereof to the Site Visitor, or for any claim or loss arising therefrom, or occasioned thereby. The Charter Township of Ypsilanti shall not be liable for any damages, of any type or nature whatsoever, occasioned by the actions or omission of actions, if any, taken in reliance upon any information contained within this Site.
Social Media Platform Disclaimer
The purpose of Ypsilanti Township social media platforms is to present matters of public interest in Ypsilanti Township for its many residents, businesses and visitors. Please note that they are both monitored and/or moderated for appropriateness according to guidelines established based on industry-wide best practices and liability concerns.
Ypsilanti Township’s social media platforms are a place for collecting suggestions, new ideas, and to encourage conversations among the people it serves, not a substitute channel for services or general questions.
Do not submit unsolicited proposals or other business ideas or inquiries through this media; these sites are not to be used for contracting or commercial business.
Do not submit any claim, demand, informal or formal complaint, or any other form of legal and/or administrative notice or process.
Ypsilanti Township’s social media platforms are not to be used to report criminal activity. If you have information for law enforcement, please contact your local police agency.
We expect conversations to follow the rules of polite discourse, and we ask that participants treat each other, as well as our employees, with respect. For the benefit of robust discussion, we ask that comments remain "on-topic." This means that comments posted must relate to the topic that is being discussed and/or congruent with the nature of the social media platform and its nature of business or service.
We will not allow comments that include:
- profanity and vulgar or abusive language
- personal attacks of any kind
- threats of physical or bodily harm
- advocating an illegal activity
- sensitive information (for example, information that could compromise public safety)
- offensive comments containing terms that target or disparage any ethnic, racial, religious or other groups
- off-topic comments
- questions from the media
- infringement or violation of existing copyrights or trademarks
- spam, or commercial or non-commercial promotion of a business, service, political organization, or individual
- identical posts by the same user (please don't submit over and over expecting the post to show up faster), multiple users (a group of people sending identical messages, or one person submitting under different aliases); in the case of identical posts, we will post the first submission
If comments containing any of the above-listed restricted content are posted, Ypsilanti Township reserves the right to delete submissions that violate any of the above-stated restrictions.
Please note that the comments expressed by community members on any Ypsilanti Township social media platform do not reflect the opinions and position of the Ypsilanti Township government or its officers and employees. If you have any questions concerning the operation of this online moderated discussion site, please contact the Township Webmaster, Department of Computer Support at [email protected].
Privacy and Security
To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, please do not include personally identifiable information, such as Social Security numbers, phone numbers, or e-mail addresses in the body of your comment or post. If you do voluntarily include personally identifiable information in your comment or post, your comment may or may not be removed. If your comment is posted, Ypsilanti Township holds no liability in the release of this information. Ypsilanti Township will make its best effort to remove any posts that contain personally identifiable information posted by you or other members of the community. In some cases, you have the option of posting comments anonymously, but if you opt not to, any information, including your login name, may be displayed on the site.
Following or Membership
Being followed by Ypsilanti Township, Michigan, or an entity of Ypsilanti Township Government, does not imply endorsement of any kind. If you follow any Ypsilanti Township social media platform or account, we may or may not follow you back or join your group or network.
Ypsilanti Township does not accept advertising on its social media platforms, nor does it allow the promotion or endorsement of any business or other entity. Ypsilanti Township may provide information about resources available to the community as it relates directly to its purpose and mission. Any advertising found on an Ypsilanti Township social media platform is controlled by the owner of that website and not the Township-sponsored account holder; Ypsilanti Township does not control what advertising appears on these pages as it is operating on a third-party website not owned or operated wholly by Ypsilanti Township or its departments and agencies.
All Ypsilanti Township social media websites are managed by staff or sanctioned agents of Ypsilanti Township during regular business hours Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm. Comments or questions submitted after hours or on weekends may be read by staff members or its authorized agents the next business day. Social media platforms may occasionally be unavailable, and we accept no responsibility for lack of service due to downtime.