Rentals & Vacant Buildings
Inspectors will be enforcing the Township Property Maintenance Ordinance & International Property Maintenance Code. The inspection will focus on safety and blight and the condition of utilities. Information about the inspection will be provided to you at the time of registration. More information can be found on the International Code Council website.
If the inspector finds code violations that cannot be fixed on the spot, and the inspector must come back to verify the repairs, the owner will be charged a $30 re-inspection fee for each return trip. Owners are encouraged to prepare for inspection in advance to avoid extra fees.
Certain types of repairs require a permit, such as replacing a furnace or water heater. If you are required to pay a separate permit fee to complete the repairs and those repairs are the only reason the inspector must come back, you will not also be charged a re-inspection fee.
If you miss a scheduled appointment, you will be charged a “lock out/no show” fee equal to the inspection fee. Appointment times can be changed at no cost with a minimum of four business-day notice. If the inspector is unable to gain lawful access to the house, you will be charged a “lock out/no show” fee equal to the inspection fee and will have to re-schedule the inspection.
In situations where the property is bank owned or listed for sale and there is a lock box affixed to the door, the code may be provided by a responsible party and our inspector will enter and conduct the inspection. If the inspector is refused entry to the house, the inspector can apply to a District Court Judge to obtain an administrative search warrant allowing access to inspect the house. There is a separate fee that is assessed to recover the cost of obtaining a warrant.
Certificate of Compliance
Upon successful completion of your inspection and payment of all fees, you will receive a Certificate of Compliance. The law requires that you notify the Township if the property is sold and to whom the property is transferred. The Certificate of Compliance will be closed at that time and your obligation under the law is over.
Single family homes, duplex homes, and multiple family units are certified once every two years. The Certificate of Compliance may be suspended or revoked during the two-year period if serious code violations are discovered as a result of complaint investigation or police intervention.
Rental Housing
Single family homes, duplex homes, and multiple family units that are rented or available for rent must be registered, inspected, and certified. No home or unit may be leased unless it has been registered and certified as being code compliant. A tenant may request a copy of the Certificate of Compliance for a home or unit they rent.
Multi-family rental properties are required to be registered and certified.
Vacant Buildings
All vacant structures (houses, businesses, etc.) and vacant commercial spaces in retail centers that are unoccupied for more than 30 days must be registered, inspected, and certified. Failure to do so can result in fines, additional fees, administrative search warrant and potential legal action. This includes unoccupied homes offered for sale.
Vacant property does not mean property that is temporarily unoccupied while the residents are away on vacation, tending to personal matters or business, or property that is not intended by the owner to be left vacant.

Document Center
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Documents sorted by SEQ in Ascending Order within category
Rental Forms & Documents9 documents
- Multi-Family Rental Property Registration Form
- Single-Family & Duplex Rental Property Registration Form
- Rental Inspection Program Guidelines
- Rental Inspection Checklist
- Rental Housing Program Fee Schedule
- Multi-Family HVAC Certification Form
- Single-Family HVAC Certification Form
- Affidavit of No Rental Compensation
- Tenant Inspection Request Form