
This type of ordinance enforcement strategy supports the community policing philosophy by reducing or eliminating environmental factors that contribute to crime and disorder. By ensuring that residents and businesses correctly observe ordinances and codes, we are able to maintain the excellent quality of life enjoyed by residents and businesses in Ypsilanti Township.
Rental Housing Division
Property Maintenance Ordinance
In 1997, Charter Township of Ypsilanti Board of Trustees adopted the "Property Maintenance Code of Ypsilanti Charter Township" under Ordinance No. 96-155. The Ordinance was replaced most recently in 2016 with Ordinance No. 2016-465 which adopted the 2015 International Property Maintenance Code, with amendments, as the official code governing the Rental Housing Division.
Rental Housing Ordinance Requirements
All rental dwelling units / structures are required to be registered with the Township and complete a biennial Property Maintenance Rental Housing Inspection. Each unit will be inspected and approved in order to receive a Certificate of Compliance.
Certificates of Compliance for rental dwelling units expire two years after the date of the initial inspection and must be renewed in order to continue legal occupancy. The building official and/or designee may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if an inspection reveals violations of this Ordinance.
A Property Registration Form must be completed and the registration fee paid within 30 days of the property being designated as rental and/or there is an ownership change. If this fee is not paid, an unregistered rental violation fee will be applied and/or a citation will be issued.
Tenant Rental Housing Complaints
A legal occupant (name appears on the current lease) of a rental unit may file a request for inspection, under the Property Maintenance Code, by completing a Tenant Inspection Request form. Prior notification of the complaint to the property owner/management company is requested.