Make a Tax Payment

Property Tax Due Dates
Summer Property Tax Bills are mailed out July 1st (payments accepted beginning July 1st) and are due September 14th. On September 15th, 1% interest is added to any unpaid balance for the month of September. An additional 1% interest is added on the first day of each month thereafter until paid in full.
Winter Property Tax Bills are mailed out December 1st (payments accepted beginning December 1st) and are due February 14th.
On February 15th, a 3% penalty is added to all unpaid summer and winter property taxes. Payment must be received by the due date to avoid interest and penalty. Postmarks are NOT honored.
If the tax due date falls on a weekend, payments are accepted through the next business day without interest or penalty.
On March 1st, all unpaid real property taxes are transferred to the Washtenaw County Treasurer’s Office as delinquent. Contact the Washtenaw County Treasurer’s Office at 734.222.6600 for balance due.
Washtenaw County Millage Winter Tax Bill
The millage rate “County” on the winter tax bill is a combination of several smaller millage rates that were voted on by residents.
Washtenaw County Millage Rates Information Sheet
Payment Options
Online: Credit/Debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express) are accepted with a 2.8% processing fee. For E-Check payments, there is a $0.85 flat fee for balances up to $10,000 and a $10 flat fee for balances over $10,000. An e-check is an online payment using your bank routing and account number.
By Mail: Send top portion of the bill, along with a check payable to "Ypsilanti Township" to 7200 S. Huron River Dr. Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Payment must be received by the due date. Postmarks are NOT honored.
Drive-Up Drop Box (checks ONLY, NO CASH): Located in the parking lot of the Tilden R. Stumbo Civic Center; near the flag pole.
In Person: Cash or check (made out to: "Ypsilanti Township"). Credit Card payments are accepted with a 2.8% processing fee. Tilden R. Stumbo Civic Center Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (closed 12:00pm - 1:00pm daily).
At Bank (full payments ONLY): any Ypsilanti branch of TRUE Community Credit Union or Ypsilanti and Bank of Ann Arbor. No partial or late payments accepted. You must provide the top portion of your tax bill when paying at these financial institutions.
Tax Deferments
Taxes may be deferred on a principal residence for homeowners with a gross household income for the preceding calendar year that did not exceed $40,000 AND that meet one of the following:
- 62 years of age or older, including the unmarried surviving spouse of a person who was 62 years of age or older at the time of death
- Paraplegic or Quadriplegic
- Eligible Serviceperson, Eligible Veteran, Eligible Widow or Widower
- Blind
- Totally and Permanently Disabled
A deferment extends the deadline to pay property taxes without penalty or interest. Deferments for summer and winter must be submitted to the Treasurer’s Office each year no later than the summer tax due date of September 14th. Winter only deferments must be submitted by February 14th. Please see the application for eligibility requirements and due dates.