Curbside Trash & Bulk
Contact Waste Management: 866.797.9018
Email: [email protected]
The Charter Township of Ypsilanti contracts curbside trash collection with Waste Management. This service includes a 96-gallon toter cart on wheels in order to provide weekly collection of solid waste to all single family, duplex, triples and quadplex units.
Collection occurs weekly except where, due to a holiday or unforeseen circumstances, it is necessary to delay collection by one day. In no case will collection occur on Sunday unless the Township Supervisor has given approval in writing.
Contact Residential Services: 734.544.4000 (ext 4) for information about trash, recycle, and yard waste collection.
Rent an Additional Waste Management Trash CartIf you would like to rent an extra 96-gallon trash cart, contact Waste Management at 866.797.9018. Annual payment by credit card will be processed over the phone when you order your extra cart. Please ask for the ticket number for your request.
You may use your 96-gallon cart and your rented 96-gallon cart at the same time for trash collection.
Ypsilanti Township has no interaction on the cart return or rental agreement, this is done through Waste Management only.
Each week you are allowed collection of one scheduled bulk item, free of charge. You must contact Waste Management 48-hours in advance (before your trash day) to schedule ANY bulk collection. The best way to schedule your bulk item collection is to email Waste Management as follows:
To: [email protected]
Subject: (your address & city) – (your trash day) – Schedule Bulk Item.
Body of Email:
Please schedule (your bulk item) for collection on (your next trash day/date). Please respond to this email confirming the scheduled date of my bulk item collection and include a ticket number for my request. Thank you.
A separate truck and crew will pick-up your bulk item.
Set your bulk item at the curb 4-feet away from your trash cart after 6:00pm the night before your trash day.
Additional Bulk Items
If you have additional items, you can contact WM and pay by phone. You may schedule one bulk item for collection on multiple consecutive weeks. The best way to schedule one or more bulk items is to send an email to Waste Management as follows:
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: (your address & city) – (your trash day) – Schedule Bulk Item(s).
Body of Email:
Please schedule (your bulk item) for collection on (your next trash day/date).
Please schedule (your bulk item) for collection on (the next week trash day/date).
Please schedule (your bulk item) for collection on (the next week trash day/date).
Please respond to this email confirming the scheduled dates of my bulk item collection and include ticket numbers for my requests.
Thank you.
You can also call WM 48-hours in advance (before your trash day) at 866.797.9018 to inquire about scheduling all of your bulk items for same-day collection for a fee. A one-time credit card payment will be processed over the phone at the time of your request. Please do not use a text link to accomplish this task online. Instead, wait to schedule your items with an agent. Be sure to ask for your ticket numbers and confirmation of the scheduled collection dates. Be sure to keep a list and set out the proper item on the proper date scheduled. If you set a different item out, it may not be collected.
All items that are acceptable for pick-up according to these rules must be placed at curbside no earlier than 6:00pm on the day before collection and no later than 5:00am on the designated pick-up day. Empty containers and/or rejected items must be removed by 6:00am on the day after collection.
NO loose trash inside cart; all trash must be bagged.
NO lids chained or attached to sides of cans.
NO overflowing containers or materials placed on top of lid; lid must be closed.
Place the carts to at the roadway with the bottom bar and serial numbers facing the road. This is how the machine picks up the carts.
Under the contract with Waste Management, the Township must utilize trucks that have automatic lifts for the 96-gallon toter carts, no other containers will be allowed.
If you have additional trash bags, please contact Waste Management at 866.797.9018 to request collection of up to 3-additional trash bags. A one-time credit card payment will be processed over the phone at the time of your request. Please ask for the ticket number for your request.
Extra trash bags should be set at the curb near, but not touching, your trash cart.
It is unlawful to burn any garbage, rubbish or yard waste whatsoever in Ypsilanti Township.
Acceptable Trash: household (alkaline) batteries
Acceptable Bulk:
- White Goods: dishwasher, stove, washer, dryer, wall oven, water heater.
- Freon Goods: refrigerator or freezer with doors removed and placed next to the item at the curb, de-humidifier, air conditioner, water cooler. Freon must be removed before scheduling pick-up with Waste Management.
- Wood properly prepared; may not exceed 4' in length, nails must be removed or pounded flat, tied in a bundle at both ends (use duct tape or string) and not weighing more than 50 pounds per bundle. Two bundles of wood equal one bulk item.
- Carpet/Pad properly prepared; may not exceed 4' in length or 8" in diameter, tied in a bundle at both ends (use duct tape or string) and not weighing more than 40 pounds per bundle. Six bundles of carpet equal one bulk item.
- Paint Cans (Latex Only) properly prepared; paint must be completely dried. Fill paint cans to the rim with kitty litter, sawdust, or sand and stir until hardened. Place cans on the ground next to your trash bags or cans with the lid removed. 1 - 10 paint cans equal one bulk item.
- Cardboard must be flattened in a 4ft x 4ft bundle; not exceeding 40 pounds.
- Furniture
- tables with 4-6 matching chairs, couches/love seats, dressers, armoires/curio cabinets, buffet cabinets; must be broken down.
- box springs and mattress (mattress and box spring equals one bulk Item). Mattresses and upholstered items must be wrapped in plastic and sealed with duct tape to ensure safety of workers due to possibility of bed bugs
- headboards, footboards and frames (footboard and frame equals one bulk item)
- grills (propane tank must be removed), lawn mowers, weed trimmers and edgers (must be drained of oil and gas), storm doors and windows (glass must be broken out of frame and placed in a hard container or small box, taped and marked "BROKEN GLASS"), swing sets must be broken down and poles cut in sections less than 6 feet in length), toilets, vacuum cleaners, bicycles.
No commercial-sized appliances, wet carpet/pad, or riding mowers.
Dispose with Waste Management
The months of December-March, Christmas trees will be collected by the WM bulk truck in addition to your one-weekly bulk item. You must Contact WM, by email or phone, 48 hours in advance of your trash day to schedule removal of your Christmas tree. A separate truck and crew will pick-up your bulk item. Christmas trees that are taller than 6’ must be cut in half and placed next to your WM trash cart no later than 5:00am on your collection day.
Contact Waste Management: 866.797.9018
Email: [email protected]
Please ask for your confirmation number.
Dispose at the Compost Site
In December and March, Christmas trees are accepted at the Compost Site for chipping (free of charge for Ypsilanti Township residents; proof of residency required - ID/driver's license). Must have all decorations removed: Lights, tinsel, garland, ornaments and tree stand.
The Compost Site is CLOSED in January & February.