Curbside Delay

Waste Management collection may be delayed due to the recent computer issues that occurred on Friday and/or due to road construction projects. Please leave your trash, recycle and yard waste at the curb and it will be collected as soon as the trucks are able to service your area. read more

Tree & Bench Dedication

The Ypsilanti Township Parks and Recreation System consists of thirty parks and recreation facilities totaling over 890 acres. Each year, the parks department works hard maintaining and renovating existing facilities and adding new landscaping and park equipment to the system. The need for community involvement throughout our park system is greater than ever. Here is a wonderful opportunity for you to get involved in your community in a very meaningful way. What can you, your group, your social organization, business/company, neighborhood watch group do?

• Adopt a portion of a roadside or non-motorized pathway
• Adopt a park by picking up trash and being eyes and ears
• Do a service project in a park

Park Gifts & Memorials
The Park Commission has developed a program allowing our community to support their favorite park by purchasing a gift that will not only add beauty to the park but will also bring pleasure to park goers for many years to come. The following is a list of selected items that are most needed. Prices include purchase, shipping and installation. This is an excellent opportunity for individuals, groups and business is to support your parks.

If you or your group are interested in participating, Recreation & Parks at 734.544.3800.

Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) 2" - 2.5" $325.00
Red Maple (Acer rubrum) 2" - 2.5" $325.00
Red Oak (Quercus borealis, ruba) 2" - 2.5" $350.00
White Oak (Quercus alba) 2" - 2.5" $350.00


White Spruce (Picea glauca) 5' - 6' $325.00
Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea pungens glauca) 5' - 6' $325.00
Colorado Green Spruce (Picea pungens glauca) 5' - 6' $325.00
Austrian Pin (Pinus nigra) 5' - 6' $325.00


Park Equipment  
Picnic Table (Heavy duty, ADA 8', surface, coated mesh) $775.00
Picnic Table (38" square, in-ground, coated mesh, cement base) $1,050.00
Bench (6', in-ground, coated mesh, cement base) $825.00
Trash receptacle (in-ground, coated mesh) $425.00
Loop Bike Rack (in-ground, coated cement base) $700.00
Grill $325.00
Double Grill $475.00