Site Plan & Development

Engineering Standards & Design Specifications
Zoning Ordinance Procedures Manual
Development Process Flow Chart
Site Plan Review Fee Schedule
Pre-Application Meeting
All full site plan review projects require a pre-application meeting. Sketch or administrative site plan review projects may require a pre-application meeting. Please submit completed pre-application applications to the Township and the Planning & Development Coordinator will schedule a meeting. Meetings are scheduled for Thursdays at 9:00am or 10:00am. Notes from agencies after this meeting will be summarized and given to applicant within seven days of the meeting. If required, you will need to schedule a separate pre-application meeting with the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commission.
Pre-application Meeting Application
Full, Sketch, or Administrative Preliminary Site Plan Review
After taking into account comments from the pre-application meeting, please review the preliminary site plan review requirements and submit the necessary forms and plans. Plan review takes up to fourteen days.
Site Plan Review Application
Full Preliminary Site Plan Review
Preliminary Sketch Site Plan Review
Preliminary Administrative Site Plan Review
Preliminary Administrative Site Plan Review Checklist
If plans are recommended for approval from all agencies, please proceed to the next step. If plans are not recommended for approval, please review comments in agency letters and address them in the next submission. Please submit plans to applicable outside agencies for review:
- Washtenaw County Water Resources Commission (WCWRC)
- Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC)
- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
- Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ)
- Ypsilanti Community Utilities Authority (YCUA)
Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Permit Application
Traffic Impact Study Application
Detailed Engineering Review Application
Special Land Use/Use Subject to Special Conditions Application (if applicable)
Rezoning a property requires Planning Commission recommendation and two readings by the Township Board of Trustees.
Rezoning/Ordinance/Master Plan Amendment Application
Building Permits
Building permits are submitted after final site plan approval. At the applicant’s own risk, building permits may be submitted sooner. Approved building permits will not be issued until after the pre-construction meeting.
Project Completion
Final inspections, record drawings, easements, grading certificate, and maintenance and guarantee surety are required for project completion. Final acceptance will not be made until all improvements shown on the approved final site plans are completed. In addition, all other requirements as outlined in the pre-construction requirements letter or, if applicable, a development agreement must be completed. For residential developments, final acceptance of the water supply system and wastewater system improvements will not take place until at least 90% of the residences are built and occupied.