Public Safety & Education

This information is being provided to residents that live within the floodplain near the Ford Lake Dam. The purpose is to provide education and share how the Township handles flood emergencies.
Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Ford Lake Dam is a federally regulated dam that has a high hazard classification. Because of this classification Ypsilanti Charter Township is required to have an EAP. An EAP is a detailed plan on how to handle different emergencies; this EAP is updated and tested annually. The EAP has provisions in place to notify you of situations that could affect you and your family.
Everbridge (Reverse 911)
Huron Valley Ambulance (HVA) and Ypsilanti Township are working together to maintain a database of those in the floodplain near the Ford Lake Dam. In the event we need you to evacuate, the Everbridge system will call, email, or text you with the important message. In order to get this message, you must be signed up. Getting on the list is easy and free by contacting Hydro Operations. In order to ensure this system is up to date we ask you inform us of any changes.
Getting a Reverse 911 Call
In the event you get a notification alerting you of an emergency the dam. Evacuate your home, move your family to high ground as soon as possible, please contact all members of your household to be sure they get out. During a dam failure there is no time to waste. The likelihood of a dam failure is very remote, but we must be prepared for such a situation.
Have an Evacuation Route
Having a preplanned evacuation route will save time. Your evacuation route should lead away from the danger area, please do not cross water whenever possible. It only takes 6” of moving water to sweep you off your feet and 24” of water can lift a car and carry it away. If you are unable to leave your home safely, please get to the highest point possible. Also notify us if you have special needs that would prevent you from evacuating your home.
Monitor the Weather
River levels fluctuate based on the amount of water flow moving down the river. Monitor the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), All Hazards Weather Radio, or listen to your favorite news source for vital weather-related information. If flooding occurs, get to higher ground and stay clear of areas subject to flooding.
Please inform the Township of any changes regarding your contact information or if you have moved out of your home. If you are a new resident, please call or email us with information which includes your name, mailing address and how you wish to be contacted. Please include your service provider if you wish to receive text on your mobile device.