Curbside Delay

Waste Management collection may be delayed due to the recent computer issues that occurred on Friday and/or due to road construction projects. Please leave your trash, recycle and yard waste at the curb and it will be collected as soon as the trucks are able to service your area. read more

Invasive Species

The Township is continuing their efforts to educate users of and property owners around Ford Lake about the invasive species. Get involved, help control the spread of these invasive species.

Some Invasive species like zebra mussels can hitch a ride on your boat from waterway to waterway. Take time to clean your boat before going to another waterway.

Purple Loosestrife
  • Perennial herb with a woody, square stem covered in downy hair
  • Height varies from 4-10 feet
  • Leaves are arranged in pairs or whorls
  • Magenta flower spikes with 5-7 petals per flower are present for most of the summer
Purple loosestrife thrives along roadsides and in wetlands. While seeds can germinate in water, establishment is much more successful in moist substrate that’s not flooded. It prefers full sun but can tolerate shade.

Learn more about Purple Loosestrife
Michigan Sea Grant

Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum Spicatum)

  • Submergent aquatic perennial
  • Commonly ranges from 1-3 meters (3-10 feet) in length but may reach 4 meters (33 feet)
  • Forms dense mats
Eurasian milfoil begins to photosynthesize and grow prolifically in early spring, allowing it to dominate an area and limit light available to other aquatic life.

Additional Resources